What is Politics: A Simple Understanding


Politics is a topic that often evokes mixed emotions within individuals. Some find it intriguing, while others find it daunting. Whether you belong to the former or latter category, it is essential to have a basic understanding of politics, as it plays a significant role in shaping societies and governing systems across the globe. In this article, we will explore the world of politics, breaking down complex concepts into simpler terms, allowing everyone to grasp its essence.


The word “politics” originates from the Greek word “politikos,” meaning “affairs of the city.” In essence, politics refers to the activities, actions, and policies used to gain and hold power within a government or to influence the government. Politics enables societies to make decisions collectively, addressing social issues, allocating resources, and managing conflicts. It is a means through which individuals express their interests and opinions in shaping the direction of their community or nation.

Government and Governance

Politics revolves around the concepts of government and governance. Government refers to the formal system that exercises authority and control over a society. It employs various institutions, such as legislatures, executives, and judiciaries, to create and enforce laws. On the other hand, governance involves the broader idea of how societies are managed. It encompasses not only formal institutions but also informal systems, practices, and traditions that influence decision-making processes.

Political Systems

Political systems differ across countries and cultures. The most common types of political systems are democracy, monarchy, authoritarianism, and communism.

Democracy is a system in which power is held by the people collectively. It allows citizens to participate in decision-making processes through voting or selecting representatives. It emphasizes values such as individual freedoms, equality, and majority rule.

Monarchy is a system in which power is vested in a single individual, usually a hereditary king or queen. The authority is passed down through bloodlines, and the monarch holds significant control over the government.

Authoritarianism refers to a system where power is concentrated in a single leader or a small elite group. The government is often characterized by limited political freedoms and strict control over society.

Communism is a socioeconomic ideology where the means of production are owned collectively, and there is no private ownership. Political power is typically held by a single political party, and resources are allocated based on the principle of each according to their needs.

Importance of Politics

Politics plays a crucial role in society for several reasons. One of its primary functions is to determine how resources are allocated and distributed. Through political processes, governments decide on budgets, taxes, and public spending, affecting the welfare and development of a nation.

Furthermore, politics helps maintain social order and stability. Laws and regulations are established through political systems to ensure the safety and security of citizens. It addresses issues such as crime, justice, and defense.

Politics also allows individuals to voice their concerns and participate in decision-making processes. Through elections or other forms of political participation, people can choose their leaders and shape public policies. It provides opportunities for citizens to express their interests, protect their rights, and hold government officials accountable.


In summary, politics refers to the activities and processes used to gain and hold power within a government and influence decision-making. It involves government institutions, democratic processes, and the allocation of resources. Politics is crucial for maintaining social order, upholding citizen rights, and shaping the future of societies.

While politics can be complex and overwhelming, understanding its basic principles empowers individuals to actively participate in decision-making processes and contribute to the betterment of their communities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How does politics affect everyday life?
  2. Politics affects everyday life as it shapes the laws, policies, and regulations that govern our society. It determines how resources are allocated, influences education and healthcare systems, and impacts the overall well-being of citizens.

  3. Can politics bring about positive change?

  4. Yes, politics has the potential to bring about positive change. Through political participation, individuals can advocate for their rights, address social issues, and bring attention to important matters. By electing responsive and accountable leaders, societies can experience progress and improvement.

  5. What is the role of political parties in politics?

  6. Political parties play a significant role in politics. They represent different ideologies, values, and interests of various groups within society. Parties strive to shape public opinion, mobilize support, and compete for positions of power within the government.

  7. How can I get involved in politics?

  8. There are several ways to get involved in politics, ranging from joining political parties, participating in campaigns, attending community meetings, or running for public office. Additionally, staying informed, voting in elections, and engaging in civil discussions can contribute to political involvement.

  9. Are there any universal principles of politics?

  10. While political systems may vary across countries, some universal principles guide politics, such as the respect for human rights, rule of law, equality, and justice. These principles serve as foundations for societies and shape the behavior of governments worldwide.